Why is Editing and Proofreading important?

Introduction I’ve been working in administration for a long time and also worked for some time in law firms. During this time, I’ve seen many documents come across my desk. I’ve also drafted countless documents. I often see documents and websites with mistakes that...

Does the GDPR affect Australian business?

Introduction Technology advances and internet usage has changed dramatically over the past 25 years. In 1995, Microsoft releases Windows 95 and introduced Internet Explorer 1. Amazon and eBay were founded. The internet was defined in October by the Federal Networking...

Becoming a Virtual Assistant which started from learning to type!

I remember being a 14-year-old learning to type – on a manual typewriter! I must have been in one of the last groups in high school that started learning to type on manual typewriters. By the time I hit the age of 15, typing classes were on an electronic typewriter …...

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